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アウディA3 参考 故障コードB109171 フロントディストリビューションフラップモーター アクチュエーター固着

Special tools and workshop equipment required
Vehicle diagnostic tester
First carry out the following work:
Switch off all electrical consumers.
Switch off ignition.
Remove ignition key.
Remove glove compartment → General body repairs, interior; Rep. gr.68.
Remove bolts -2-.
Pull off front air distribution flap control motor -V426--1- and remove it.
Disconnect electrical connector -3-.

Removing and installing front air distribution flap control motor -V426-, RHD vehicles

Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following:
Check operation of flaps and hinge mechanism before fitting.
Make sure levers and shafts are properly fitted in the mounts.

Removing and installing front air distribution flap control motor -V426-, RHD vehicles

Receptacle of control motor -1- can be fitted on actuating arm -2- in only one position.
The receptacle of the control motor must align with the actuating arm as shown in illustration.
Rotate the receptacle in the control motor if the mount and actuating arm do not align.
Switch on ignition, connect respective control motor to vehicle wiring harness and select a setting on operating and display unit to set control motor to desired position (e.g. mid-position). Wait until control motor has moved to desired position and switch off ignition.
Fit control motor on air intake box. The actuating arm must engage in receptacle -1--arrow- while doing so.
There must not be any play in the connection between control motor and actuating lever.
If the bolts cannot be fitted, the control motor is not completely seated on the housing.
Route wiring harness so that it cannot come into contact with any moving parts (e.g. actuating arm on control motor).
Rotate control motor until it reaches a convenient position for installation. The direction of rotation can be changed by changing polarities.
Read event memory, and clear any entries displayed. Then, perform “basic setting”vehicle diagnostic tester in “Guided fault finding” mode.
As a final step, check operation of heater and air conditioning system.
Specified torque
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - heater and air conditioning unit“
Compartments/covers; Assembly overview - glove compartment → General body repairs, interior; Rep. gr.68.

by tcskobetcskobe | 2024-05-12 17:05